Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall = Arts and Crafts for Me

I don't understand it, but for some reason the beginning of cooler weather always brings out the crafter in me, God help us all.

Last Saturday at my daughter's volleyball game, her best friend's mom was knitting a vest for her husband and pulling the yarn out of the most beautiful knitted bag I've ever seen. When I asked her if she had knitted it herself, she said that she had, and then she "felted" it, which is what made it look so unique. Well, I had heard of "felting" before, but had never seen an example of it, and now I am hooked! I went immediately to my local library and, upon discovering my branch had no books on felting, immediately requested about a dozen or so from other area branches. Dear Gussie (as my mother-in-law would say), what am I getting myself into? All I have to show for my own knitting talents is half a dozen unevenly knitted scarves, a couple headbands and washcloths, and one teeny, tiny backpack! I haven't even finished the baby blanket I started knitting a year and a half ago for a friend's baby. At this rate, it'll make a nice going-away-to-college present for her dorm room!

I picked up the first three delivered books today, and am just moments away from a warm and cozy afternoon in front of the fire with a cup of hot tea and those books, happily browsing and dreaming about those felted projects I will never, ever do. It's good for a girl to have dreams, though, isn't it?


Susan said...

My dreams usually aren't about knitting and felting... ;)

Kelly said...

Yeah, I saw what your dreams are filled with! giggle giggle