Saturday, November 22, 2008

And When Do Those Medical Emergencies Happen? On the Last Leg of a Trip, Of Course!

Yep, it's a well known airline industry fact - medical emergencies and mechanical problems only happen on the victory lap. Last night on our San Diego victory lap, upon initial descent we had a lady very close to passing out, so we had to get out the oxygen, etc. and start the process of getting info, paging for medical assistance, contacting the pilot and everything that goes along with this sort of situation.. Thank goodness it wasn't a serious emergency, but it was hectic there for a few minutes since all of this happened in the last 30 very busy minutes of the flight. It turns out the lady in question was on quite a cocktail of prescription meds for various illnesses and has a history of seizures and fainting. And the entire family must be accustomed to this kind of thing because even the kids were calm and unconcerned.

Anyway, when I told the husband we would be having paramedics meet the plane to help them out, his response was, "Is this going to cost me a lot of money?" He was bent we were doing that, but I explained to him it was something we had to do and that his wife could always refuse medical treatment, although it would probably be against medical advice. And that, of course, is exactly what they did. They wouldn't even let the paramedics help her off the plane. Hope she's doing ok.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I know where you are coming from!

On the flip side, a couple weeks ago I had a guy sitting in 1A who told me that he had had heart surgery the day before, and a heart attack two days ago. My heart started racing. Every time he fell asleep, I secretly wondered if he was still alive.