Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Those Promised Pictures

In my last post I mentioned I had been flying with my classmate, Pat, and what fun we had been having. Things have been busy since we got home, but I'm finally taking a few minutes to post some of the pictures from our trip. Incidentally, crew scheduling kept Pat and me together for one more night after we got back from Spokane: Atlanta! I got to spend Thanksgiving Evening with my best friend, Van, and he and his roommate Mark made a great Thanksgiving dinner for me. The layover was 24 hours, so I got to rest all day Friday at Van's before flying back to Denver. What started out as a couch shift ended up a 4 day trip for Pat and me, then when we got back crew scheduling informed me that I had a Cancun turn the next day - yuck. I had a horrible cold and felt like crap, it was snowing outside, and my show time was a mere 13 hours after I got in from Atlanta so I spent the night in the crew lounge and went to Cancun all yucky and dirty feeling, but I survived.

On to the pictures....
The first bar we visited in Nashville
Pat, Kari and Me
The coolest slide in the world, along the river in Spokane.
Pat enjoying her turn on the slide.

1 comment:

Susan said...

That slide looks fantastic! I haven't had a Spokane overnight yet...maybe one of these days!