Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Love My Classmate Pat!

I'm on call for a 5 day block this time, beginning yesterday. I was assigned a 6 am couch shift and three hours into it (2 days before Thanksgiving, mind you) my classmate Pat and I were assigned a last minute re-crew to a Nashville overnight. Our other FA, Kari, was a hoot to fly with and a very sweet woman.

When we got to Nashville, we decided we need to go see some live music downtown. I was so excited that someone else wanted to go, as this was my 4th or 5th Nashville overnight and I had never been. We had a great, very inexpensive dinner at a flight crew favorite, Demo's, then wandered down Broadway, poking our heads into bars where the live music sounded interesting.

We started at a place called The Stage, and the band was good enough for us to linger and have a drink. That done, we wandered down to "Legends", but they had a fill-in lady singer who, um....let's just say what she lacked in talent she made up for in courage.

Our favorite spot was empty when we arrived save for two guys sitting over in a corner, enjoying what ended up being a tremendously impressive blues/rock band. I don't understand why the bar was so empty and when I asked the bartender, she said, "They're just filling in for our normal band. And Nashville's not really a rock kind of city." Everyone else's loss, in my opinion. A few people did eventually wander in, included a very inebriated couple. He danced all alone in front of the band, she fell off her bar stool, then he walked out of the bar unnoticed by her. Shortly after he left, she got up to go to the ladies room and when she returned she was totally confused as to what happened to him, and what happened to her coat (which was on the table they were sitting at). Oh, they were almost as entertaining as the band!

We listened to this great band for a long time before we decided we should be smart and call it a day to be bright and awake for our very early show time. I'll post some snapshots later.

Upon arriving back in Denver this morning, we called crew scheduling and right away Pat and I were shipped off together to a 20 hour Spokane layover - not bad. We spent a very pleasant afternoon shopping at a nearby mall, spent way too much money in Bath & Body Works, and as soon as I'm finished posting this we will be on our way to an early dinner at Chili's.

We're as beat as beat can be, but thanks to B&BW, we sure smell delicious! Can't wait to find out what tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, holds for us!

1 comment:

Susan said...

What fun! Even though you're having to work on Thanksgiving, you've gotten some great trips, and with a great crewmate! I am envious. I start five days of duty tomorrow...maybe they'll call me in to join you and Pat in someplace exciting, like Detroit!